понедельник, апреля 19, 2010


В УЛК в среду 21 апреля в 16:00 будет выступать создатель F#.
Продолжительность доклада – 1 час. Потом беседа с несколькими студентами. Всего мероприятие на 2 часа.
«F# - функциональный подход к решению сложных проблем с простым программным кодом»
Abstract: F# is a succinct, expressive functional programming language for the .NET platform. This talk will describe what F# is, what it is for, and give you an introduction to problem solving and programming with F#, from basic scripting to data-rich and parallel programming.

Don Syme (http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/people/dsyme/ )
Don Syme is a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research, Cambridge, and is responsible for the design of the F# programming language. He has contributed extensively to the design of the .NET platform through.NET and C# generics and has a background in verification and machine-checked proof. His research focuses on the technical aspects of programming language design and implementation needed to make functional languages that are simpler to use, interoperate well with other languages and which incorporate aspects of object-oriented, asynchronous and parallel programming. His PhD is from the University of Cambridge, 1998.
Комментарии (толковании) на русском по ходу доклада - Дмитрий Сошников, Microsoft Россия, к.ф.-м.н., доцент

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